Solar arc is one of the best predictive techniques in astrology. Solar arc is defined as the difference between the position of the progressed Sun and natal Sun, one degree of solar arc being equal to one year of life.Solar arc directed planet makes an aspect, to a natal planet, some event is likely to occur, when there is a transit activating the point as well.
In ancient metaphysical texts we find references to the idea that a day is considered to equate symbolically with a year. The daily motion of the Sun is significant not only for indicating daily trends, but also for yearly trends, on the next level. In Winter, daylight lasts for a shorter period of time, and the Sun's apparent movement around the Earth is slightly more than the average 60 minutes of arc in a 24-hour period. Keeping in mind that the apparent daily motion of the Sun is taken to equate with one year of solar arc, the average monthly motion is determined by dividing 60 minutes of arc by 12; thus 60 ÷ 12 = 5. And this implies that in the average 30-day month, one minute of solar arc is equal to 6 days, since 30 ÷ 5 = 6.
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